Categories Blog Career Updates

Speaking My Truth

“Don’t be concerned about whether people are watching or criticizing you.”- Eleanor Roosevelt I recently posted a blog about the highs and lows of my career and what I have learned from them. In the post, I wrote about a very negative experience with a past employer and a friend and former coworker asked me…

Categories Blog Updates

New Look!

Hey y’all! The site has a new look! I wanted to add a couple more splashes of color and a different layout, and I’m happy with how it turned out! There are also new work samples up on the site! Take a look around and let me know what you think!

Categories Blog Career

Highs and Lows

A year ago today I was fired from what I thought would be the job I would retire from. I absolutely loved that job, and my coworkers there, and truly thought of most of them as family. Even tough I was hired on as part of the marketing team, I also offered to help with…

Resume Removed

Howdy, friends! I have removed my resume from the site. At the moment, I am not seeking alternate job opportunities, so I didn’t want to leave it up. Also, as you can see I changed the logo of the site. I wanted it to be a little more personal to me and who I am,…